
Hi! I’m Youlia, an avid traveler and trip planner. I was born in Bulgaria, grew up in the US, and lived throughout Europe, making travel and adventure two very prominent aspects of my life.

Throughout my trips, I have maintained a strong interest in learning about new cultures while making the most out of every experience. To this end, I started Foreign Outlook with two goals in mind:

Firstly, I strive to share worldly information with interested readers to introduce a Foreign Outlook in their daily lives and bring to light some less well-known topics.

Secondly, I wish to incorporate my own side of the story to view subjects from a new perspective. Having always felt like a foreigner wherever I’ve traveled, my experiences have allowed me to develop my own attitude and Foreign Outlook on life.

I’m very excited to share this journey with you and hope that my stories inspire you to seek out new experiences of your own!

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